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From the Artist

July, 1998
Babylon 5: Earth by Corey Marion

"It was the dawn of the third age of mankind..."

This is the first set in a series based on the cult sci-fi television hit Babylon 5. I became hooked on the show when TNT began playing all the episodes from day one and finished production of the 5th season. I felt it was only right to pay homage to the series as I did with the Star Trek series and create icon sets for fans to enjoy.



Work Notes: These icons were hand-assembled pixel by pixel in Adobe Photoshop based on references found on the internet.

Legality Babylon 5 is copyright © Time Warner Entertainment. The icons contained in this set are intended for personal desktop use ONLY. They may not be disassembled, reverse-engineered or otherwise modified, in part or in whole except for personal desktop use. This includes conversion into other graphic formats such as JPEG, PNG, etc.. These icons MAY NOT BE REDISTRIBUTED, SOLD OR EXCHANGED FOR ANY GOODS OR SERVICES WHATSOEVER. In addition, the read-me file must accompany the set at all times. By downloading this file you are agreeing to be bound by these terms of use.

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