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Bootstrap chat square text fill Icon

Bootstrap chat square text fill icon
Designer: Bootstrap Team
Iconpack: Bootstrap Icons (1953 icons)
License: MIT (Open Source)
Commercial usage: Allowed Green Check
Download Icon / 512px SVG
All Download Formats

Preview other sizes:

Bootstrap-chat-square-text-fill icon
Bootstrap-chat-square-text-fill icon
Bootstrap-chat-square-text-fill icon
Bootstrap-chat-square-text-fill icon
Tags: bootstrap chat square text fill

More icons with these tags:

Bootstrap chat square text icon
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Bootstrap chat square quote fill icon
Bootstrap chat square dots icon
Bootstrap chat square heart icon
Bootstrap chat square quote icon
Bootstrap chat square icon
Bootstrap chat left text fill icon

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× Download this icon:
"Bootstrap chat square text fill Icon"
All Formats
Vector:Download SVG
Windows:Download ICO
Mac:Download ICNS
Link (CDN)
Insert this HTML-Code into your website to add this icon:

<img src="https://icons.iconarchive.com/icons/bootstrap/bootstrap/128/Bootstrap-chat-square-text-fill-icon.png" width="128" height="128">
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