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Account heart outline Icon

Account heart outline icon
Designer: Pictogrammers Team
Iconpack: Material Design Icons (6172 icons)
License: Apache 2.0 (Open Source)
Commercial usage: Allowed Green Check
More Infos: license.txt
Download Icon / 512px SVG
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Account-heart-outline icon
Account-heart-outline icon
Account-heart-outline icon
Account-heart-outline icon
Tags: account heart outline material

More icons with these tags:

Account heart icon
Account alert outline icon
Account arrow down outline icon
Account arrow left outline icon
Account arrow right outline icon
Account arrow up outline icon
Account badge outline icon
Account box multiple outline icon
Account box outline icon
Account cancel outline icon

More icons from the "Material Design Icons" icon pack:

Led strip icon
Audio video off icon
Account group outline icon
Phone in talk outline icon
Cloud minus outline icon
Content save edit icon
Calendar alert outline icon
Window shutter auto icon
Progress download icon
Emoticon kiss icon
Sim outline icon
Circular saw icon
Face mask outline icon
Bluetooth settings icon
Wheelchair accessibility icon
Show all
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"Account heart outline Icon"
All Formats
Vector:Download SVG
Windows:Download ICO
Mac:Download ICNS
Link (CDN)
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<img src="https://icons.iconarchive.com/icons/pictogrammers/material/128/account-heart-outline-icon.png" width="128" height="128">
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