Logo - Great icons for Win, Mac & Linux

Chat remove Icon

Chat remove icon
Designer: Pictogrammers Team
Iconpack: Material Design Icons (6172 icons)
License: Apache 2.0 (Open Source)
Commercial usage: Allowed Green Check
More Infos: license.txt
Download Icon / 512px SVG
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Chat-remove icon
Chat-remove icon
Chat-remove icon
Chat-remove icon
Tags: chat remove material

More icons with these tags:

Chat remove outline icon
Chat remove icon
Chat remove icon
Chat icon
Chat alert outline icon
Chat alert icon
Chat minus outline icon
Chat minus icon
Chat outline icon
Chat plus outline icon

More icons from the "Material Design Icons" icon pack:

Movie open play icon
Umbrella outline icon
Id card icon
Palette icon
Cellphone link off icon
Chart timeline variant shimmer icon
Plus minus variant icon
Teamviewer icon
Clover icon
Cloud cog icon
Bell remove icon
Relation one or many to one icon
Expansion card icon
Bug icon
Atm icon
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× Download this icon:
"Chat remove Icon"
All Formats
Vector:Download SVG
Windows:Download ICO
Mac:Download ICNS
Link (CDN)
Insert this HTML-Code into your website to add this icon:

<img src="https://icons.iconarchive.com/icons/pictogrammers/material/128/chat-remove-icon.png" width="128" height="128">
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