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Actions format justify right Icon

Actions format justify right icon
Designer: Saki
Iconpack: NuoveXT 2 Icons (143 icons)
License: GPL (Open Source)
Commercial usage: Allowed Green Check
Download Icon / 128px
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Actions-format-justify-right icon
Actions-format-justify-right icon
Actions-format-justify-right icon
Tags: actions format justify forward next right arrow go

More icons with these tags:

Actions format justify left icon
Actions format justify center icon
Actions format justify fill icon
Actions format indent more icon
Actions format text italic icon
Actions format text strikethrough icon
Actions format text underline icon
Actions format indent less icon
Actions format indent more icon
Actions format text bold icon

More icons from the "NuoveXT 2 Icons" icon pack:

HD Windows icon
Actions edit copy icon
Apps session hibernate icon
Apps file manager archive icon
Devices camera icon
Apps text editor icon
Apps session quit icon
Actions cut icon
Devices symlink icon
Actions format text italic icon
Actions select all icon
Actions format text strikethrough icon
Actions format justify fill icon
Actions arrow right icon
Apps settings theme icon
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"Actions format justify right Icon"
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Mac:Download ICNS
Link (CDN)
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<img src="https://icons.iconarchive.com/icons/saki/nuoveXT-2/128/Actions-format-justify-right-icon.png" width="128" height="128">
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